Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Music Is My Life !

Music Is My Life !
What this is actually means when we say that 

‘Music Is My Life ‘ .

Is Music gives us a soul satisfaction ?

Is Music allows us to be a tension-free ?

Is Music can be the religion ?

Is Music gives us the power to change the world ?

Is Music can be powerful enough to convert hate into love ?

Is Music can be the solution of peace in the world ?

Is Music , Now the need of the time ?

Now as we have said earlier that music gives peace to soul . that’s right .soul is always used to be looking for some rest and peace so music can be the better option for that . At some stages the reciting of Holy Books also do the same thing as music do . we are not going to compare that music and holy books issue here . we just will let ourselves know that sometimes music gives us more satisfaction and sometimes Reciting of Holy books .

Music also can turn our attention from any matter .It means that we can divert our tensions and anxieties by music .I am really not mean to say that you should use music as a diverter from your real work .Use music as diverter only if you have any tensions .

I also met with a lot of people concerning this music issue and I found that they are so desperate about music that they can’t even live without them . They just go crazy with the music .
Music is somewhat that flows in them like blood .they found things easy to do with the help of music.they feel themselves more cool , calm and crazy from external world and that thing also helps them to do Impossible things in their surroundings .

In music you can found a lot of variety .Infact I should say that with some customize type of music collection you can change the outer and inner environment of your surroundings. If you are going for sad stuff , believe me you can make it so easily with some typical sad songs, infact accoding to your sadness level , I am sure you even gonna cry as well in the memory of some one due to which you are sad .

Similarly , if you are choosing the rock stuff in music . you can pumped up the whole things around you . you will be dancing , may be not phsically but I am sure that you will be mentally .Everything seems to be rock , cool and younger with that stuff of music . 

So while listening some hero or inspirational songs , you feel yourself in that stage ,the stage which used to be in the song .You feel yourself flying higher and higher and higher in the skies . you start having the feeling that you are limitless , there is no interruption at all , It’s me and this Sky .
when you got that feeling from just some songs then it means that songs are very powerful , powerful enogh to flying out of the boundaries in the skies .so if then this music can put power in you just by listening to it then can’t you explain how damage it can done in reality .

Yeah . massive .massive .massive .

We are not going to use that massive power in some sort of destruction work .we will use it massively for the peace in the world .

music is the another name of peace as well !
Yeah !
So we all have to realize that music is the need of the time and we should respect it .

Please I request you not to mix Music with the religion .Please !
If we are getting something good from music then that’s the main thing rather than just critisizing it that it’s bad thing or whatever .
You got it now , Music is power , if you don’t have that then go get it from any where and be the source of peace in the world with the massive limitless boundaries of you mind .

I am leaving some of my favourite songs here along with one that is my life time favourite song .
Hope you will enjoy the show 

Now here you go my life time favourite :


Kind & Dj Regards :
Harris Tariq Butt
Weapon Of Mass Destruction    


  1. helo wmd
    dnt make music the part ur life ,, it is not peace it is also destruction of ur mind ,,,,,
    you can get peace from holy Quraan, frm offering prayer,,giving some one a sweet smile ,

  2. helo wmd
    dnt make music the part of ur life ,, it is not peace it is also destruction of ur mind ,,,,,
    you can get peace from holy Quraan, frm offering prayer,,giving some one a sweet smile

